All designs have full compatibility with Streamlabs Desktop and StreamElements.
Stare into the face of power ⭐
Our New Gen: X Stream Package is meant to bring all XBox fans together to step into the next generation of consoles.
Green and black combined with powerful neons is the main feature of this package. It strongly emanates the hardcore gamer vibe that's hidden inside all Xbox players.
All designs and animations have an eye-popping feature, such as the transition which builds up a shock of green colors before switching scenes. The alerts were built with 4 looping neon pulses, which makes up for a beautiful contrast when a new event is triggered.
Stream screens are like this bundle's alerts with steroids - everything is much larger and the attention to details can easily be seen, reflecting our team's massive effort to make sure Xbox fans can feel at home while using this stream package.
This package has 2 versions: animated and non-animated. Feel free to pick the best one for you!
If you're looking for more free stream overlays, make sure to join our Discord and stay tuned for new free overlay rotations every week! Meant for: Works perfectly with: This package contains: This package FREE option contains:
This is our humble way of thanking streamers on Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, Trovo, Kick and other platforms for supporting our team over the years.
If you need fewer assets, you can also view this product on Streamlabs.